Day 49: Minsha Mountain and Crescent Moon Lake

In amongst the dunes of the Gobi is a wonder called 'Crescent Moon Lake'. It is a natural lake surrounded by a sparse area of lush greenery before the sand wins over again. We visited this place, and took time for a few activities here also.

A view of a portion of the Crescent Moon Lake beneath the sand dunes

First we climbed the dune. Walking through sand is difficult, but walking up sand dunes is even more so, constantly slipping away from the destination. A view of the Crescent Moon Lake oasis from atop the sand dunes Many of our group made the effort, though, and were rewarded with a wonderful view -- the Crescent Moon Lake oasis in amongst the dunes. Climbing down was far more fun than going up -- I leaped down like a gazelle (or a mad-man...)

We were then taken to visit a caravan of camels, which were curious creatures. They walk with a swaying swagger and commune with a low moan. We were split into groups of four who then got to ride a group of camels as we were lead through the desert. This was not as unusual an experience as I'd expected, though perhaps unusual that they chose to serve us camel that evening...

Crescent Moon Lake is a wonderful place and well worth the visit. Thank you for sharing your beauties with us, Dunhuang!